Elizabeth's Story
My birth mother Betty died in 1962 at the age of 32,and I soon found that almost all of my immediate birth family members were also long deceased. However,I was determined to locate someone blood related to me and eventually found a cousin named Carole on my paternal grandfather's side,my maternal Great Aunt,and my birth mother's second husband. All have been very kind and supportive to me, and no one had previousily known about my existance. My Cousin Carole shares the same odd sense of humor as I, and our boys look very similar in appearance. She immediately provided me with the family genealogy dating back as far as the 1500's, and my Great Aunt provided genealogy on my maternal side of the family. I can not describe the feeling of finally "seeing" people that look like you or your children, and people that share same personality traits.
Because I am an adoptee,I have a personal interest in helping other adoptee's and birth parents reconnect as quickly as possible. I have been searching since 1994 specializing in California Reconnections and would love to help you also!
My best to all,